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Tobyhanna Ice Harvest by John Maher 

HomeExhibits & Shows


One of our goals as a club is to offer you a wide variety of places to exhibit your photos. 

Many of our exhibitions are “competition free” which allows our members to select, mount and frame the pieces they’re most proud of and would like to show.

The Exhibit Submission Form is required when Pocono Photo Club members drop off their photos. Please print the form and attach it to the back of your photo. Photos must be wired and ready to hang.


The Middle Smithfield Community Center
Photo Exhibit "Life in the Poconos"

April 1-28, 2024

The Middle Smithfield Community Center photo exhibit hanging on Monday April 1, 2024 was a SUCCESS!  There were a total of 43 framed photos hung for viewing and/or purchase. Some examples of PPC members work below.

MS Exhibit 2_JJ
MS Exhibit 3_JJ





Brodhead Creek Heritage Center Photo Exhibition

January 8, 2020



We are excited to announce the PPC exhibit at The Brodhead Creek Heritage Center at ForEvergreen Nature Preserve, 1539 Cherry Lane Rd., East Stroudsburg, Pa. 18301.  This beautifully constructed center was established by a joint effort between the Pocono Heritage Land Trust and the Brodhead Watershed Association.  

Our photos went on display January 8th and will be there through March 22nd.  The theme of this exhibit is “Winter”.

The Heritage Center is normally open from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday - Friday but the hours are variable depending on scheduled activities.

A reception will be held on January 9, 2020 from 5 to 7 pm.  Light refreshments will be served. 

The March pick up dates are March 23rd to 27th.

A big thank you to all members who contributed pictures to show in the first picture exhibition in the new Brodhead Creek Heritage Center.  And thank you for using the website registration system.  This helps the Club determine expected participation.  This first effort went very well!


Brodhead Creek Heritage Center


Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall
East Stroudsburg University

For those of you who are not aware, we have an ongoing exhibit at the Zimbar building on the campus of East Stroudsburg University. Members are welcome to contribute photos of their choice to this display.  We try to change the pictures on regular basis.
Please see June Pepe in the Veterans Office if you have a photo you'd like to contribute (first door on the left as you enter the building). For directions and location please check the campus map Building #13 at upper right, near the stadium.. ESU does not sell PPC pictures but you are welcome to place a small label with your contact info on the photo should anyone be interested in purchasing your  photo.

Middle Smithfield Exhibit

March 29th to April 29th, 2019

Whispering Pines Banquet Hall
Country Club of the Poconos
1445 Big Ridge Dr.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18302

It's time to start thinking about the photos you'll show at the upcoming Middle Smithfield exhibit.  This year will mark our 6th year participating in this popular event and once again it will kick-off during the township's restaurant week. All PPC photographers are invited to submit up to 3 photos with the subject matter of their choice.

Photos must have a maximum frame size of 16”x24” (or not exceeding 80” in perimeter), a wire hanger on the back of the frame (no flimsy hooks!) and have the Photo Exhibit Submission Form attached to the back. You can find the form on our website under Members> Documents> Photo Exhibits and Shows.   

Please attach your $5.00 exhibit fee to the form (one fee per photographer). And thanks to Middle Smithfield who graciously picks up the other half of our exhibit fee!

  • Drop off dates: March 25, 2019 to March 29, 2019 during regular business hours until March 29, 2019, 10 AM.
  • Hang show: March 29, 2019 10 AM - Volunteers requested!
  • Reception: March 31, 2019, 6 to 8 pm. Enjoy samples of lo-cal restaurants and wineries while supporting your fellow photographers.
  • Show closes: April 29, 2019 with pick up dates: April 29-May 3, 2019.
Whispering Pines is located in the Country Club of the Poconos development at 1445 Big Ridge Road, East Stroudsburg, Pa. 18302.

Fall Colors at Shawnee Inn
October 5-30, 2018

The beauty of Fall in the Poconos will be on display in the Payette Room of Shawnee Inn for the month of October.  Members can submit up to 3 photos in this exhibit.  The $10 exhibit fee (per photographer) along with the exhibit release form should be attached to the back of the photo.  All photos must have wire hanging system on them and should be no larger than a 16x 20"perimeter.  Members can drop off pictures to Shawnee Inn during business hours from October 1 through 4 and on October 5 up until 10 AM.  The reception will take place on October 7, 2018 from 3 to 5 PM.  Pictures can be picked up on October 29 and 30, 2018 during regular business hours.

September 6 - November 16, 2018

This year’s theme for the National Endowment for the Humanities is “Dogs”.  In connection with that theme, the Fall show in the Dunning Gallery will feature our canine friends in a number of different artistic formats. 

We’ve all seen the bumper sticker: Who Rescued Who?  But have we fully considered the complex relationships between humans and canines?  Dogs serve multi-faceted roles in our society and at home.  They protect and serve in our military and police forces.  They are trained to work with the physically and mentally disabled.  There are service, assistance, therapy, and emotional support dogs.  Many of us welcome them into our homes where they make up much of the fabric of our family lives.  The RESCUEdog exhibit is an opportunity to capture dogs as rescuer and rescued.  Providers of emotional and physical rescue.  Our canine heroes and protectors.  Humankind’s best and longest friend.  PPC selected 10 photos from amongst its members at the July meeting and they are now on display in the Dunning Gallery, Keystone Building of Northampton Community College, Monroe Campus.  The reception is scheduled for September 13, 2018 from 5:30 to 7 pm. 

Tannersville Cranberry Bog Day
August 12, 2018

The Tannersville Cranberry Bog: Images of Captured Beauty- A Visual Guide Dedication Ceremony and Display

The Pocono Photo Club will be presenting the completed booklets which are comprised of photos taken at the bog to assist guides as they lead tours.  20 different species of plants were photographed by a number of participating photographers who will also have some of their photos on display as part of the event.  The bog activities take place throughout the day.  The presentation of the booklets will take place between 11 AM and 12 noon.  The Tannersville Cranberry Bog is located on Cherry Lane Rd. in Tannersville, PA. 18372.  Funds to produce the booklets were received through a grant given by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts/Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts and funds donated by the Kettle Creek Environmental Center.

Pocono Arts Council Photography Show

Middle Smithfield Exhibit
Whispering Pines Banquet Hall
Country Club of the Poconos
1445 Big Ridge Dr.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18302
April 29 to June 6, 2018

The opening and reception for the Middle Smithfield exhibit takes place with the township's Restaurant Week Kick-Off event, Sunday, April 29, 2018 from 6 to 8 pm at Whispering Pines.  Members are encouraged to submit up to 3 photos for display and can bring their pieces along with the $5 exhibit fee (per photographer) and form attached to the back of the photo to Whispering Pines from April 23 through the 27th (by 10 AM).  Local restaurants have samples of food and beverages available at the opening so bring family and friends to take in the flavors and enjoy the show.  For more details see:  Middle Smithfield Photo Exhibit April 2018

In conjunction and cooperation with Middle Smithfield Township, Danielle Austen will also be presenting "The Art of Seeing" on May 12, 2018, 2 to 4 pm at Whispering Pines Banquet Hall.  For more information go to our Shoot Outs and Workshops page:  Shoot Outs & Workshops

Dunning Gallery
Northampton Community College, Monroe  Campus
January 19 to May 18, 2018

PPC returns to the Dunning Gallery to participate in the National Endowment of the Humanities exhibit "American Identity: Art that Expresses Social, Historical and Political Issues of American Culture.  10 photos will be selected by the membership at the December 2017 meeting to represent the club in this exhibit.  Pictures which are chosen can be dropped off to the gallery on January 10 and 11, 2018 from 9 AM to 3:30 PM.  The reception will be held on January 25, 2018 (snow date February 1, 2108).  Photos will be picked up on May 22 and 23 from 9 AM to 3:30 PM.  NCC and the Dunning Gallery are located at 2411 Rt. 715, Tannersville, PA. 18372 (610-861-5062).

Pennsylvania Center for Photography: Americana
181 E. Court Street
Doylestown, PA 18901

March 16 to April 8, 2018

Two PPC members, Stephanie Masgula and Ann LeFevre, join other talented photographers exhibiting photos interpreting the Americana theme in the second annual Americana show at PCP in Doylestown.  The opening reception takes place on March 16th from 6 to 8 pm.  Gallery hours are Friday 4-7 pm, Saturday 12-5 pm and Sunday 11-3 pm.

Northampton Community College, in partnership with the Monroe County Historical Association, is excited to announce its newest exhibit:Monroe County Past & Present: Resorts, Ruins, and the Rural Landscape  

Monroe County Past & Present: Resorts Ruins, and the RuralLandscape is a photographic exploration of Monroe County’s history, featuring contemporary art photography alongside historical photos and artifacts provided and curated by the Monroe County Historical Association. The exhibit explores three different areas of Monroe County history: resorts and recreation, its industrial and architectural past and present, and the shifting landscape of Monroe County itself… a landscape that, despite industrialized progress, still retains the amazing natural beauty that has drawn artists and visitors for hundreds of years.  

The exhibit runs from September 12thuntil December 16thand will be on display in the Dunning Art Gallery in Keystone Hall at Northampton Community College’s Monroe Campus in Tannersville, Pennsylvania.  The public is encouraged to join us in the Dunning Art Gallery for our free opening reception on Thursday evening, September 19th, from 5:30 – 6:30 PM for light refreshments and a panel discussion to follow.  Beginning promptly at 6:30, our three featured panelists, Dr. Martin Wilson, Ms. Jennifer Palmer, and Dr. Lawrence Squeri, will lead a discussion taking us on an educational tour of Monroe County’s rich resort and cultural history. 

The Pocono Photo Club is pleased to have several of our photographers' images featured in this exhibit.



4th Annual Shawnee Inn Exhibit

River Road Shawnee on Delaware

Show Dates: Nov. 17, 2019 – Jan. 5, 2020

Show Details:

Exhibit Theme: Photographers Choice.

Number of Pictures Permitted:  Up to Three

Exhibit Fee: No Fee - it is being waived by the club as a thank you to our members

Exhibit Form: Photo Exhibit Submission Form is required.
Download from the PPC website under:
Members > Documents > Photos Exhibits & Shows > Photo Exhibit Submission Form

Delivery of Photos to Shawnee Inn - Payette Room
Mon. Nov. 11th thru Sat. Nov. 15th
during the Inn business hours: 8 AM – 4:30 PM Mon - Fri

Hanging of Show: Sat. Nov. 16th 10:30 AM your help is greatly appreciated

Reception: Sunday Nov. 17th from 6-8 p.m.

Please invite your friends and relatives to the opening.

Dunning Gallery
Northampton Community College, Monroe Campus
June 6 to August 10, 2019

PPC will be participating in the Fourth Annual Pocono Art Collage this summer.  10 photos will be chosen at the April meeting.  Selected photos will be dropped off to the Dunning Gallery on May 29 and May 30 from 9:30 AM to 3 PM.  The reception will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2019 from 5:30 to 7 PM.  Photos will be picked up on August 28 and 29 from 9:30 AM to 3 PM.

The Pocono Photo Club would like to thank the Stroudsburg Foto Shop and
the Pocono Heritage Land Trust for their continued support and
participation in club events and programs.