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Snowmen of Stroudsburg by John Anzivino

HomeCalendarDeadline: Theme of the Month (TOTM) (RED)

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Deadline: Theme of the Month (TOTM) (RED)

About this event

The Theme of the month for February is:
Create some images for this month's Theme of the Month. Please send in 3-5 of your best. Images will shown at the next members meeting.

Example: TOTM.samprynda.file.jpg

All photos need to be submitted by midnight Friday February 14th 2025.

Date and Time

Friday, February 14, 2025, 9:00 AM until 11:59 PM


Event Contact(s)

Samuel A Prynda



Registration Info

Registration is not Required
The Pocono Photo Club would like to thank the Stroudsburg Foto Shop and
the Pocono Heritage Land Trust for their continued support and
participation in club events and programs.